How Does This Work
Blogger has introduced something called jump breaks. This will help you in creating the summary.What is a jump break? - Jump break is a special tag which can be inserted anywhere in a post using the post editor.When you have inserted a jump break into a post, the portion of the post above(or before) the jump break will serve as the summary of the post. This means that only this smaller portion will be displayed on Non-post pages.
How to insert a jump break?
If you are using the New Advanced Post Editor, then you can insert the jump break easily from the post editor.If this code is not present in your template,then add this code before
Changing the Read More Text
By default the read more link text is Read more » . You can change this to whatever you like. To do that, Go to Blogger Design > Page Elementsand click on the Edit link on the Blog Posts Widget.Change the Post Page Link Text and Save the Settings..
Drawbacks of the New Feature
For the post summaries to work effectively, you have to edit each of your posts and add the jump link in each of them. Blogger wont generate summaries automatically.:(A mistake that you might make that can cause the sidebars to move down.
So in order to solve this you should take some care in inserting the jump break.The jump break shouldn't be inserted into open tags..
For example something like this shouldn't happen.(You can see these things if you switch to Edit HTML instead of Compose)
This is the short summary
This is the rest of the post
As it is clear from this code, the jump break is inserted into an open div tag and the div is closed after the jump break.This should not happen.You should insert jump breaks after closing the div tag..
So this should look like
This is the short summary
This is the rest of the post
I hope that the blogger post editor will soon show warnings when the jump break is inserted into open tags.