Sonam Kapoor made a disastrous debut in Bollywood with ‘Saawariya’ and then yet another box-office failure with ‘Delhi 6’. However, in spite of flops, the gal has managed to bag in praises for her beauty as well as talent. She is keeping her fingers crossed for her forthcoming ‘I Hate Luv Storys’ with Imran Khan and is currently shooting for ‘Mausum’ with Shahid Kapoor. She also has recently signed David Dhawan’s comedy film ‘Come On Pappu’, in which she is paired with Akshay Kumar.
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Sonam Kapoor at the Filmfare Magazine’s latest edition’s launch
Sonam Kapoor made a disastrous debut in Bollywood with ‘Saawariya’ and then yet another box-office failure with ‘Delhi 6’. However, in spite of flops, the gal has managed to bag in praises for her beauty as well as talent. She is keeping her fingers crossed for her forthcoming ‘I Hate Luv Storys’ with Imran Khan and is currently shooting for ‘Mausum’ with Shahid Kapoor. She also has recently signed David Dhawan’s comedy film ‘Come On Pappu’, in which she is paired with Akshay Kumar.