Crazy star Raviteja is doing a new film "Veera" under the direction of Ramesh Varma, who directed Ride movie. Earlier Anushka was roped to pair with Raviteja in this flick. Now the latest news is that Kajal is replacing Anushka in Ravi Teja’s Veera. As the movie got delayed, Anushka, who first signed the movie, walked out of it, due to date problems.
In this film now three heroines are confirmed to be acting the movie - Kajal, Tapsee and Manjari. This film is produced by Ganesh Indukuri under Sanvi Productions banner. Devisri Prasad is scoring the music.
In this film now three heroines are confirmed to be acting the movie - Kajal, Tapsee and Manjari. This film is produced by Ganesh Indukuri under Sanvi Productions banner. Devisri Prasad is scoring the music.