Director Gunasekhar will start his next film after the dud called Varudu. He is all set to direct Ravi Teja in a film titled Katti, which is likely to be produced by a major production house. Katti is touted to be a stylish action entertainer. Gunasekhar says, "It is a tailor made role for Ravi Teja. It suits his image like a tee. This will be totally different from my earlier films. Ravi Teja was excited the very moment he heard the script. Yuvan Shankar Raja will score the music. This is my first film with him. Music sittings would commence shortly." Watch this space for more details on this project.
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Ravi Teja, Gunasekhar Combo Katti Announced
Posted by 2theyouth
on 6:33 PM
Director Gunasekhar will start his next film after the dud called Varudu. He is all set to direct Ravi Teja in a film titled Katti, which is likely to be produced by a major production house. Katti is touted to be a stylish action entertainer. Gunasekhar says, "It is a tailor made role for Ravi Teja. It suits his image like a tee. This will be totally different from my earlier films. Ravi Teja was excited the very moment he heard the script. Yuvan Shankar Raja will score the music. This is my first film with him. Music sittings would commence shortly." Watch this space for more details on this project.