Versatile actor Kamal Hassan and Trisha starrer Tamil movie "Manmadhan Ambu" is releasing in Telugu as "Manmadha Baanam". This movie audio launching ceremony will be held on December 13th at Taj Banjara hotel in Hyderabad. Young music director Devi Sri Prasad is composed the music for this film. Lakshmi Ganapathi Films’s Subramanyam is bringing it to the Telugu.
The multi-starrer film has Kamal Hassan, Trisha, Madhavan, Sangeetha, Ramesh Aravind in the key roles. It is directed by KS Ravikumar and produced by Red Giant Movies. Movie is expected to be released on December 23rd.
The multi-starrer film has Kamal Hassan, Trisha, Madhavan, Sangeetha, Ramesh Aravind in the key roles. It is directed by KS Ravikumar and produced by Red Giant Movies. Movie is expected to be released on December 23rd.