Rajamouli's latest movie Maryada Ramanna was released with high expectations in USA on 23 July. On the day one, Maryada Ramanna collected a gross of 64,587 dollars in 13 screens. The collections of five centers (Houston, East Windsor (NJ), Phoenix, Seattle, Philly) are not featured in this list.
Maryada Ramanna 1st day gross (excluding 5 centers)
Rank Theatre Name DMA Fri
1 Serra San Francisco 10,102
2 Worldgate 9 Washington DC 8,368
3 BIG Cinemas Golf Glen Stadium 5 Chicago,IL 7,336
4 BIG Cinemas Movie City 8 New York,NY 5,951
5 Macarthur Marketplace 16 Dallas,TX 5,892
6 BIG Cinemas Peachtree 8 Atlanta,GA 5,698
7 Imoviecafe Boston,MA 4,764
8 BIG Cinemas Novi Town Center 8 Detroit,MI 4,635
9 BIG Cinemas Columbia Park Stadium 12 New York,NY 3,650
10 BIG Cinemas Norwalk 8 Los Angeles 3,044
11 Phoenix Theatre Eastgate 10 Cleveland,OH 2,467
12 Tinseltown 17 Austin,TX 1,831
13 BIG Cinemas Towne 3 San Francisco 849
Total $ 64,587 =31,00,176 in just 1 show in everytheatre power of S.S.RAJAMOULI and shows now increased due to crowd.