Do not know if Hansika Motwani has films to do in Telugu but she claims she isn't doing any here as she has her dates all allotted to Tamil films Ich, Mappillai, Velayutham. For the Tamil film Mappillai the actress is not putting on any make-up but she put on a light shade for the song sequences. If the director asks me to go without any pancake no issues, will do that adds the fair and pretty lady. Her goal is to establish her base in all languages. She opines that it's just not important to be a good actor, one needs to be punctual on sets, one needs to be pleasant and get along will with everyone. Some lesson this!
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Hansika Motwani Without Make-up
Do not know if Hansika Motwani has films to do in Telugu but she claims she isn't doing any here as she has her dates all allotted to Tamil films Ich, Mappillai, Velayutham. For the Tamil film Mappillai the actress is not putting on any make-up but she put on a light shade for the song sequences. If the director asks me to go without any pancake no issues, will do that adds the fair and pretty lady. Her goal is to establish her base in all languages. She opines that it's just not important to be a good actor, one needs to be punctual on sets, one needs to be pleasant and get along will with everyone. Some lesson this!
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