Young tiger Jr NTR’s new film "Shakthi" team has completed the shooting part recently in locations like Kulu Manali, Ladakh, Haridwar, etc. Now the team back to Hyderabad and will resumes its shooting from August 27th.In Hyderabad some important scenes were shot on Ileana and Jr NTR.
Kantri fame Meher Ramesh is directing this film. Ashwini Dutt is producing this flick under Vyjayanthi Movies banner.
Mani Sharma is composing the tunes for the film and has Jackie Shroff, Puja Bedi and Sonu Sood in the important roles.
Mani Sharma is composing the tunes for the film and has Jackie Shroff, Puja Bedi and Sonu Sood in the important roles.