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Rajini’s ‘Robo’ rights in controversy!

RoboYesterday it is said that producer Chadalavada Srinivasa Rao has acquired Rajinikanth’s Robo’ dubbing rights for highest price of Rs 30 crores that was ever happened for any movie in India. It is also heard that he is going to release the movie in AP through his Tirumala Tirupati Venkateswara Films banner.
But now, with the statement made by Sun TV pictures CEO Hansaraj Saxena yesterday as that Robo rights are unsold, there created terror amongst Chadalavada Srinivas Rao who said to be acquired the rights.
On reacting to this statement, he has showed a proof of letter that was given by Sun Pictures itself by mentioning that he paid Rs. 2 crores as advance for getting Robo dubbing rights. Finally the latest statement made by the Sun Pictures is making controversial issue on Robo rights. Let’s see what happens after this and how Sun Pictures will react over Srinivas Rao’s statements.

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