Chaitanya, Aksha starrer ‘Adi Nuvve’ has completed its shooting part and is currently in its post production works.The latest news is that the audio is going to hit the music stands on August 18th.
Adi Nuvve is being directed by Varaprasad Neelam and is being produced by K.Srikanth. The movie is all about the story of a youngster who’s madly in love with a girl and how he wins her is the crux of the story does. Aksha is seen in films like ‘Yuvatha’ and ‘Ride’ earlier while Chaitanya is debuting with ‘Sneha Geetham’. Jeevan Thomas has composed the music while PG Vinda handles the camera.
The other supporting cast of the film includes Naresh, Kasi Viswanath, Pruthvi, Raja Sridhar, Satyam Rajesh, Amit, Master Bharat, Leena, Hema, Raksha Sakuntala, Charu Sarma, and Sivanarayana