Bharath, Priyamani starrer Arumugam is being dubbed in Telugu as Bet. 'Denikaina challenge' is the tagline for the film. Tondapu Nageswara Rao is producing it under the banner Shilpi Creations. Suresh Krishna is the director. "The story hinges on love and friendship. The film was shot in Vizag, Mauritius and Dubai. There are five songs and four action sequences in it. The audio will be released in this month and the film will be on the screen in September," says the producer. Bet has dialogues by Shashank Vennelakanti, music by Deva, cinematography by Bhupathi and choreography by Ashok Raju. The lyrics have been penned by Veturi, Bhuvanachandra, Sivaganesh, Vanamali and Shashank Vennelakanti.
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Bharath, Priyamani Starrer Arumugam Dubbed In Telugu As Bet
Bharath, Priyamani starrer Arumugam is being dubbed in Telugu as Bet. 'Denikaina challenge' is the tagline for the film. Tondapu Nageswara Rao is producing it under the banner Shilpi Creations. Suresh Krishna is the director. "The story hinges on love and friendship. The film was shot in Vizag, Mauritius and Dubai. There are five songs and four action sequences in it. The audio will be released in this month and the film will be on the screen in September," says the producer. Bet has dialogues by Shashank Vennelakanti, music by Deva, cinematography by Bhupathi and choreography by Ashok Raju. The lyrics have been penned by Veturi, Bhuvanachandra, Sivaganesh, Vanamali and Shashank Vennelakanti.
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