Nagarjuna, who is celebrating his birthday today (August 29th), wants to see Telugu films break free from formula and says he is open to doing multi-starrers. "I always wanted to do multi-starrers. That's the reason why I gave a nod to Ajith's Mangatha. I don't have any problems with multi-starrers as long as I have a meaty role," Nagarjuna adds. He is currently acting in Two films - Dil Raju's Gaganam and Veeru Potla's next directorial venture where he co-stars alongside Anushka and Priyamani. Also in the pipeline are diverse roles in movies like Rajanna, Mangatha and RR Movie Makers next.
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Birthday Boy Nagarjuna - I'm Open To Doing Multi-starrers
Nagarjuna, who is celebrating his birthday today (August 29th), wants to see Telugu films break free from formula and says he is open to doing multi-starrers. "I always wanted to do multi-starrers. That's the reason why I gave a nod to Ajith's Mangatha. I don't have any problems with multi-starrers as long as I have a meaty role," Nagarjuna adds. He is currently acting in Two films - Dil Raju's Gaganam and Veeru Potla's next directorial venture where he co-stars alongside Anushka and Priyamani. Also in the pipeline are diverse roles in movies like Rajanna, Mangatha and RR Movie Makers next.
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