Hero Jagapathi Babu is doing a sequel to his film Gayam and titled “Gayam 2” under the direction of Praveen Sri. The audio of this film launched in TV 9 Studio at Hyderabad on 27th August. Ravi Prakash, CEO of TV9 has unveiled “Gayam 2”audio in the presence of Jagapathi Babu, Vimala Raman and Praveen Sri.
Ram Gopal Varma is presenting the film and it is being produced by C Dharma Kartha. Vimala Raman is pairing up with Jagapathi Babu. Ilayaraja has composed the music for this film. The film is will release on September 3rd.
Ram Gopal Varma is presenting the film and it is being produced by C Dharma Kartha. Vimala Raman is pairing up with Jagapathi Babu. Ilayaraja has composed the music for this film. The film is will release on September 3rd.