The shooting of Mahesh Babu's next film to be directed by Sreenu Vaitla will commence from September 25th. A song will be picturized on the lead stars - Mahesh Babu and 'Ye Maaya Chesave' Samantha - in Alang, Gujarat. The film will be made under the banner of 14 Reels Entertainment, the same banner which produced Sreenu Vaitla's last movie Namo Venkatesa. Ram Achanta, Gopichand Achanta and Anil Sunkara will jointly produce it. Other crew includes Thaman S. as the music director, Gopi Mohan as the story writer and Kona Venkat as the dialogue-writer.
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Mahesh Babu, Sreenu Vaitla Combo From September 25th
The shooting of Mahesh Babu's next film to be directed by Sreenu Vaitla will commence from September 25th. A song will be picturized on the lead stars - Mahesh Babu and 'Ye Maaya Chesave' Samantha - in Alang, Gujarat. The film will be made under the banner of 14 Reels Entertainment, the same banner which produced Sreenu Vaitla's last movie Namo Venkatesa. Ram Achanta, Gopichand Achanta and Anil Sunkara will jointly produce it. Other crew includes Thaman S. as the music director, Gopi Mohan as the story writer and Kona Venkat as the dialogue-writer.
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