Nandamuri Balakrishna\’s new film under the direction of Paruchuri Murali (Andhrudu fame) has launched today morning in Ramanaidu Studios at 11:45 AM in Hyderabad. Regular shooting of the movie will start from September 1st.
TDP leader Nara Chandra Babu Naidu clapped for the first shot. Rebel Star Krishnam Raju, K Raghavender Rao and D Suresh Babu include among the other celebrities graced the launching ceremony.
Producer M L Kumar Chowdary is producing this film under Sri Keerthi Creations banner. Kalyan Malik will be composing music for this movie. More details about cast and crew are not revealed yet.
Producer M L Kumar Chowdary is producing this film under Sri Keerthi Creations banner. Kalyan Malik will be composing music for this movie. More details about cast and crew are not revealed yet.