"I like Nagarjuna, would love to work with him. In the past I got a few offers but they just slipped away but this Tamil film with him has made me immensely happy," says Neetu Chandra who's working with Nagarjuna in a Tamil film Mangatha. This is apparently Ajith's 50th film and Nagarjuna is playing an important role. Yavarum Nalam was the movie through which she made her debut in Tamil and then worked in Theeratha Vilayattu Pillai. Recently she did an item number in Yudham Sei. Though the number of films she had worked is less she had got good recognition in Tamil films.
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Neetu Chandra Marches Forward In Tamil Films
"I like Nagarjuna, would love to work with him. In the past I got a few offers but they just slipped away but this Tamil film with him has made me immensely happy," says Neetu Chandra who's working with Nagarjuna in a Tamil film Mangatha. This is apparently Ajith's 50th film and Nagarjuna is playing an important role. Yavarum Nalam was the movie through which she made her debut in Tamil and then worked in Theeratha Vilayattu Pillai. Recently she did an item number in Yudham Sei. Though the number of films she had worked is less she had got good recognition in Tamil films.
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