New face Aravind Krishna has been signed up to play one of the male leads in Suresh Productions' next venture. The other lead role would be played by Nikhil, of Happy Days and Yuvatha fame. Aravind Krishna is the son of CVSK Sarma, Principal Secretary to Chief Minister K. Rosaiah. He was earlier seen in Dasari Narayana Rao's Young India but the film didn't get the response he was expecting. 'Preyasi Raave' fame Chandra Mahesh will direct the film. The rest of the cast and crew will be announced soon.
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Nikhil, Aravind Krishna To Star In Suresh Productions' Next
New face Aravind Krishna has been signed up to play one of the male leads in Suresh Productions' next venture. The other lead role would be played by Nikhil, of Happy Days and Yuvatha fame. Aravind Krishna is the son of CVSK Sarma, Principal Secretary to Chief Minister K. Rosaiah. He was earlier seen in Dasari Narayana Rao's Young India but the film didn't get the response he was expecting. 'Preyasi Raave' fame Chandra Mahesh will direct the film. The rest of the cast and crew will be announced soon.
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