Priyamani impressed everyone in her brief but strong role in Mani Ratnam's Raavan. After that she had been roped in for another important character in Ram Gopal Varma's much-hyped film Rakta Charitra. The actress who donned a traditional look in Pellaina Kothalo says that though she wore sarees she made a great impact on people by her simple dressing. What you wear is not important, how you carry it off is what matters. She adds that you might be wearing a bikini, but if the scene is not strong the entire thing goes kaput. The actress looks glamorous just not in sarees but western clothes as well.
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Priyamani - The Attitude Is Important
Priyamani impressed everyone in her brief but strong role in Mani Ratnam's Raavan. After that she had been roped in for another important character in Ram Gopal Varma's much-hyped film Rakta Charitra. The actress who donned a traditional look in Pellaina Kothalo says that though she wore sarees she made a great impact on people by her simple dressing. What you wear is not important, how you carry it off is what matters. She adds that you might be wearing a bikini, but if the scene is not strong the entire thing goes kaput. The actress looks glamorous just not in sarees but western clothes as well.
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