Inside sources say that a huge set of worth Rs. 2 crores over has been erected for the film in Kulu Manali under the assistance of the art director Anand Sai.The set will be similar to a temple town and gives it almost a realistic feel of a bygone era. It is said to be a periodic film filled with lots of action, romance and drama which is being produced by Allu Aravind on Geetha Arts banner. The film has cinematography by Ravi Varma, and has music by M.M. Keeravani.
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Rs. 2 crore set created for ‘Badrinath’?
Inside sources say that a huge set of worth Rs. 2 crores over has been erected for the film in Kulu Manali under the assistance of the art director Anand Sai.The set will be similar to a temple town and gives it almost a realistic feel of a bygone era. It is said to be a periodic film filled with lots of action, romance and drama which is being produced by Allu Aravind on Geetha Arts banner. The film has cinematography by Ravi Varma, and has music by M.M. Keeravani.
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