Director Sekhar Suri, who earlier directed thrillers like A Film By Aravind and Three, is now all set to direct Rajasekhar for his next film, which is yet to be titled. Natti Kumar will produce the film through his home production Vishakha Talkies. Rajasekhar will play the role of a police officer in it. Natti Kumar says that the film will be made in Tamil and Telugu. It will be an action packed film and will be shot for 20 days in Bangkok. Credits include dialogues by Surendra Krishna, cinematography by Ramesh Krishna and music by Vijay Kurakula. The rest of the cast and crew hasn't been decided yet. More details will be released in the next several days.
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Sekhar Suri To Direct Rajasekhar
Director Sekhar Suri, who earlier directed thrillers like A Film By Aravind and Three, is now all set to direct Rajasekhar for his next film, which is yet to be titled. Natti Kumar will produce the film through his home production Vishakha Talkies. Rajasekhar will play the role of a police officer in it. Natti Kumar says that the film will be made in Tamil and Telugu. It will be an action packed film and will be shot for 20 days in Bangkok. Credits include dialogues by Surendra Krishna, cinematography by Ramesh Krishna and music by Vijay Kurakula. The rest of the cast and crew hasn't been decided yet. More details will be released in the next several days.
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