Here's an addition to the list of sequels being planned in Telugu cinema. Jagapathi Babu, who is currently doing the sequel to Gayam (Gayam 2), has revealed that he would do a sequel to Anthapuram soon. Infact, Jagapathi Babu has penned the script himself and is busy looking for a producer. More details are awaited. While on Gayam 2, the film is slated for release on September 3rd. The film, which has debutant Praveen Sri at the helm of affairs, is a commercial entertainer with equal doses of love, romance and action.
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A Sequel To Anthapuram
Here's an addition to the list of sequels being planned in Telugu cinema. Jagapathi Babu, who is currently doing the sequel to Gayam (Gayam 2), has revealed that he would do a sequel to Anthapuram soon. Infact, Jagapathi Babu has penned the script himself and is busy looking for a producer. More details are awaited. While on Gayam 2, the film is slated for release on September 3rd. The film, which has debutant Praveen Sri at the helm of affairs, is a commercial entertainer with equal doses of love, romance and action.
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