Superstar Rajnikanth’s ‘Enthiran’ has turned out to be the biggest film in his career. Produced at a cost of Rs.125Crores, Sun Pictures have already started making massive profits. According to the trade reports, the film was sold for Rs. 205 Crores.
With just a week left for the film’s opening, the booking plans opened last evening across Tamil Nadu. The tickets for the first week were sold within an hour.
In Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, the Telugu and Kannada releases have been postponed to the second week of October.
With Superstar Rajnikanth, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, AR Rahman, director Shankar, Academy Award winner Resul Pookutty and the best technicians from Hollywood to look after the special effects, the film has created immense expectations.
With just a week left for the film’s opening, the booking plans opened last evening across Tamil Nadu. The tickets for the first week were sold within an hour.
In Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, the Telugu and Kannada releases have been postponed to the second week of October.
With Superstar Rajnikanth, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, AR Rahman, director Shankar, Academy Award winner Resul Pookutty and the best technicians from Hollywood to look after the special effects, the film has created immense expectations.