Though Power star Pavan Kalyan's "Komaram Puli" was not a box hit movie , his fans need not be disappointed and can take consolation in the fact that a streak of movies featuring Pavan Kalyan's are in the offing. Among those films in which Pavan is going to act are -Jayant C.Paranji-directed movie "Khushiga",produced by Ganesh is going to be made under the banner of Parameswara Productions. whereas Konda Krishnam Raju is going to produce the movie "Christ" which is being directed by Singitham Srinivasa Rao. Some of the shots of the move were made at Jerusalem, the birth place of Jesus Christ. Besides, Pavan Kalyan has agreed to act in a movie being directed by Vishnuvardhan, who earlier directed a tamil movie, "Bhilla" with 'Ajith' as hero.
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