Producer C. Kalyan has announced the release date of his upcoming movie Mahesh Kaleja: September 30th. He is co-producing this Mahesh Babu, Anushka starrer with Singanamala Ramesh Babu. The audio of the film will be released shortly, he added. "We have finished the shooting part, only the patch work is to be completed. The two films from our stable - Puli and Mahesh Kaleja - are completely different in mood, theme and treatment. While the former is a serious film, the latter is an out-and-out family entertainment film," said a relaxed C. Kalyan. He has also announced his plans to make a film with the Akkineni family - ANR, Nagarjuna and Naga Chaitanya together, to be directed by Krishna Vamsi. Further details regarding this ambitious project would be revealed later.
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Mahesh Kaleja To Release On September 30th
Producer C. Kalyan has announced the release date of his upcoming movie Mahesh Kaleja: September 30th. He is co-producing this Mahesh Babu, Anushka starrer with Singanamala Ramesh Babu. The audio of the film will be released shortly, he added. "We have finished the shooting part, only the patch work is to be completed. The two films from our stable - Puli and Mahesh Kaleja - are completely different in mood, theme and treatment. While the former is a serious film, the latter is an out-and-out family entertainment film," said a relaxed C. Kalyan. He has also announced his plans to make a film with the Akkineni family - ANR, Nagarjuna and Naga Chaitanya together, to be directed by Krishna Vamsi. Further details regarding this ambitious project would be revealed later.