Power star Pawan Kalyan, who introduced sync sound method in Tollywood with Johny movie is coming up with the same Sync Sound for his current Telugu movie a remake of ‘Love Aaj Kal’ tentatively titled Kushiga. The movie is being directed by Jayanth C Paranji. Trisha is the heroine.
Hollywood and several Bollywood movies follow the sync sound technique, but not in Telugu movies. Hollywood and most Bollywood films are shot with sync sound (means dialogues are recorded on the location while filming; no need to dub later). However, it requires huge concentration and perfect planning. So we need tow and see to what extent Pawan Kalyan uses the sync sound in this film.
Hollywood and several Bollywood movies follow the sync sound technique, but not in Telugu movies. Hollywood and most Bollywood films are shot with sync sound (means dialogues are recorded on the location while filming; no need to dub later). However, it requires huge concentration and perfect planning. So we need tow and see to what extent Pawan Kalyan uses the sync sound in this film.