It looks like unique director Ram Gopal Varma’s dream to make a film based on rowdy conflicts in Vijayawada might come true. AS TDP leader Chalasani Pandu’s latest murder which has been creating hot sensation in Andhra Pradesh now is like a wake up call to RGV. So, he announced that he is going to make a film the backdrop of Vijayawada and its rowdy politics after completing the comedy film Katha Screenplay Darsakatvam Appalraju with Sunil. It is heard that the film has been titled as ‘Bejawada Rowdilu’.
On speaking about this new proposed film, RGV says “I have long association with the city of Vijayawada. I have been closely watching the city’s rowdies and their wars since I studied Engineering course in Siddhartha Engineering College. Indeed genesis for ‘Shiva’ came from the rowdy wars in the city but ‘Shiva’ would be pale in comparison with the movie that I am going to shoot now. The Hyderabad rowdies are nothing in front of the organized crime mentality of Vijayawada rowdies. After showing Mumbai Mafia and Rayalaseema factionism on silver screen, I am going to expose Vijayawada world of rowdies. We are in the final stages of scripting of the film.”