There is an unexpected turnaround in the case accusing actor Shiney Ahuja of raping his domestic help last year. The 20-year-old maid has now told the court that the Bollywood actor did not rape her.
She told a fast-track court in Sewri that she had falsely accused the actor of raping her because the woman who helped her get the job at Shiney’s Oshiwara residence told her to do so.
The testimony has given an entirely new turn to the trial in which the police had filed against Shiney an elaborate 109 page chargesheet containing forensic reports, statements of a dozen witnesses, and other evidence.
Following the maid’s statement, the court has declared her a hostile witness. The trial, however, will continue.
Shiney Ahuja was arrested on June 14 last year for allegedly raping his maid. The domestic help had accused Shiney of raping her at his Oshiwara residence when his wife was away. Shiney spent three months in jail and was released on bail in October. He has been staying away from Mumbai and his Bollywood career has gone off track