Kajal Agarwal who was high on the success of Magadheera, Arya 2 and Darling is now left with only film - Naan Mahaan Alla opposite Karthi. She seems to have lost her way somewhat despite oodles of talent and ample charm and grace, probably owing to a lack of proper planning. She might want to take a cue from Anushka and Ileana who are doing well. While Anuhska reportedly has half a dozen films in hand, Ileana too is not far behind. Kajal is now banking on the success of Naan Mahaan Alla. She hopes the film will bring her back in public eye.
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Kajal Agarwal Losing Her Sheen
Kajal Agarwal who was high on the success of Magadheera, Arya 2 and Darling is now left with only film - Naan Mahaan Alla opposite Karthi. She seems to have lost her way somewhat despite oodles of talent and ample charm and grace, probably owing to a lack of proper planning. She might want to take a cue from Anushka and Ileana who are doing well. While Anuhska reportedly has half a dozen films in hand, Ileana too is not far behind. Kajal is now banking on the success of Naan Mahaan Alla. She hopes the film will bring her back in public eye.
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