RR Movie Makers has signed Meher Ramesh to direct their forthcoming film starring Mahesh Babu in the lead. Other cast and credits are under finalisation. Work on the script is currently on and the project will commence shooting from next year onwards. The rest of the details will be announced soon. Meher Ramesh is currently busy filming Shakti (NTR, Kajal Agawal, Samantha), while Mahesh Babu is busy dubbing for his latest film Mahesh Kaleja. RR Movie Makers had earlier produced hits like Kick and Don Seenu.
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Meher Ramesh To Direct Mahesh Babu For RR Movie Makers
RR Movie Makers has signed Meher Ramesh to direct their forthcoming film starring Mahesh Babu in the lead. Other cast and credits are under finalisation. Work on the script is currently on and the project will commence shooting from next year onwards. The rest of the details will be announced soon. Meher Ramesh is currently busy filming Shakti (NTR, Kajal Agawal, Samantha), while Mahesh Babu is busy dubbing for his latest film Mahesh Kaleja. RR Movie Makers had earlier produced hits like Kick and Don Seenu.
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