The shooting of Parameswara Arts Prod No. 1, starring Pawan Kalyan and Ileana in the lead, will commence from August 29th in Varanasi. For this purpose, a special set is being erected near Varanasi under the supervision of art director Narayana Reddy. After completing the shoot at Varanasi, the unit will move to other locations - Patiala, Amritsar, Pune, Italy and the US. Jayant C. Paranji is directing the film and Kriti Kharbanda, of Boni fame, is playing the second female lead. Pawan Kalyan will have a new get-up in the film. Other credits include dialogues by Trivikram, music by Mani Sharma and cinematography by Jayanan Vincent. Ganesh Babu is the producer
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Pawan Kalyan, Ileana Starrer In Varanasi
The shooting of Parameswara Arts Prod No. 1, starring Pawan Kalyan and Ileana in the lead, will commence from August 29th in Varanasi. For this purpose, a special set is being erected near Varanasi under the supervision of art director Narayana Reddy. After completing the shoot at Varanasi, the unit will move to other locations - Patiala, Amritsar, Pune, Italy and the US. Jayant C. Paranji is directing the film and Kriti Kharbanda, of Boni fame, is playing the second female lead. Pawan Kalyan will have a new get-up in the film. Other credits include dialogues by Trivikram, music by Mani Sharma and cinematography by Jayanan Vincent. Ganesh Babu is the producer
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