Srikanth will be playing an important role in the Telugu version of the Tamil film Nadunisi Naaigal (Ardharatri Kukkalu) in which Sameera Reddy is the heroine. There will be no music in this film and it will be a suspense thriller. This is supposed to be an experiment that none had tried in our country before. The story will take place during the nights. Manoj Paramahamsa is the cinematographer. This is Gautham Menon's next directorial venture after the super-successful Naga Chaitanya, Samantha starrer Ye Maaya Chesave.
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Srikanth In Gautham Menon's Thriller
Srikanth will be playing an important role in the Telugu version of the Tamil film Nadunisi Naaigal (Ardharatri Kukkalu) in which Sameera Reddy is the heroine. There will be no music in this film and it will be a suspense thriller. This is supposed to be an experiment that none had tried in our country before. The story will take place during the nights. Manoj Paramahamsa is the cinematographer. This is Gautham Menon's next directorial venture after the super-successful Naga Chaitanya, Samantha starrer Ye Maaya Chesave.
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