The audio of Mukhul Dev and Aarthi Agarwal starrer upcoming film ‘Neelaveni’ was released on Friday evening in an exclusive way at Chanchalguda Mahila Prison in Hyderabad. It is being directed by Bharat Parepalli and being produced by P Girish Kumar under MGR Combines banner. Lalith Suresh has composed the music.
Prisons General C N Gopinath Reddy released the first audio CD and was presented it to to R Narayanamurthy. ‘Neelaveni’ magazine was released by DIG Sunil Kumar and was received by Aarthi Agarwal. Madhura Entertainment has released the music into the markets.
While speaking at the occasion DG Gopinath Reddy said, “We are happy that the audio launching programme of ‘Neelaveni’ is held at this Mahila Prison. The reason being, the inspirational character ‘Neelaveni’, who faced many problems in its life. I wish to see the 100 days celebration also in this jail only.”
R Narayana Murthy said, “I’m able to see Mother Teresa in you all.”
Kommanapalli Ganapathi Rao said, “I was impressed with this story the moment I listened to it. ‘Neelaveni’, who wanted to lead a peaceful life at her village, goes to the jail at unexpected situations. Her miserable jail life will inspire the other jailers. Aarthi Agarwal gave a brilliant performance.”
Director Bharat Parepally said, “I feel honoured that my film’s audio launch took place at one such place. I thank DG Gopinath Reddy and DIG Sunil Kumar for making it possible. ‘Neelaveni’ becomes dumb due to certain bad experiences and how she faces the obstacles in jail is the story all about. This film is sure to touch the hearts of the audience. Lalith Suresh provided excellent songs.” Referring to the women jailors he said, “Knowingly or unknowingly you have made some mistakes and came to this jail, which is like a spiritual place. I wish you all will come out of this jail and lead a good life that inspires others.”
Heroine Aarthi Agarwal said, “I’m very happy that the audio launch of ‘Neelaveni’ is taking place here. Everyone will face hurdles in their life. I too experienced many. You all can identify yourself with ‘Neelaveni’ character.”